
Good News Nepal '05 Part 1: Average income in Nepal up by 80 percent:

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Under this OPTIMISTIC headline I'll post MANY good news from this part of 'turd world'.
Part 1:
    The average household income in the country has grown by a whopping 80 percent in the last eight years.

    A survey conducted by the state-owned Central Bureau of Statistics has found that from 1995-96 the average household income in the country has increased to Nepalese rupees 15,162 from Rs. 7,690.

NB: Nepali Ruppe is abt. 70 for a USD, about 90 for an Euro.

This and other data from this Agency report (Indo-Asian News Service) underpin my conservative view - the governements of most countries do more bad than good! They should ONLY worry about borders, currency and taxes (preferably VAT !) and let the rest for polity to build, and pay for. Do you want a hospital? Build it! Road? Build it! Just like people build and maintain temples, no state intervention necessary. Here, an economic basket-case, Nepal, is rising from poverty like Phoenix, no matter the hyenas in offices and the murderous maobadis in the hills and the Toyota Taliban from UN-hell!

    A survey conducted by the state-owned Central Bureau of Statistics has found that from 1995-96 the average household income in the country has increased to Nepalese rupees 15,162 from Rs. 7,690.

    The Nepal Living Standard Survey also said that along with a rise in income, the average consumption level also increased substantially. Eight years ago it was Rs. 6,802 and currently it stands at Rs.15,848.

    Presently, 92 percent householders have their own houses, while access to electricity and water supply has increased by over 10 percent. Access to banks, markets and roads too has increased by over seven percent.

    The number of employed people rose from 67 percent to 74 percent while average least daily wages increased by 88 percent in the agricultural sector and by 80 percent in the non-agriculture sector.

    The quantum leap is attributed to a rise in remittance sent home by Nepalese working abroad.

    Earlier, the mainstay of incomes was farming. But that declined from 61 percent to 48 percent while non-farm sources, including remittance, shot up to 25 percent from 16 percent.

    The percentage of households receiving remittances increased from 23 percent to 32 percent with the minimum remittance jumping to Rs. 34,698 from Rs. 15,160. The total remittance also soared to over Rs.46 billion from about Rs. 13 billion.

Regression? Where, in which dimension, which alternate reality live Nepali politcians? Didn't the maobadi hear Deng T'sio Ping "Let's get rich!" ?


Arbeit macht frei 1945-01-27.

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My mother had nightmares all her life: In summer 1944, she was 17 then, she witnessed several transports on railway stations near her home-town Vrútky (even toady one of the most important railw.junctions in that mountainous country, 40 km S ouf Polish border). She handed over her lunch, brought some water to the skinny arms stretched out from small barbed-wire-barred windows on the the cattle cars, while the SS looked the other way, all the time scared for her own life...
These people were on their (one-)way north - to then unknown town of Oswiecim [german: Auschwitz]
I went to Auschwitz with my father in 1960, barely 12 years old. He was put in charge by the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia of boxing club Spartak Dubnica for a friendly bout with Krakow B.C. The hosts gave a tour of Oswiecim and "sister" camp Brzezinki [german: Birkenau]
Now I had nightmares: even 15 years after the war the place stank of DEATH and unspeakable HORROR: the suitcase of glasses no one wear anymore, the wooden-barrack full of artificial limbs, another two full of human hair (the efficient nazis used them for matrasses!), I couldn't sleep without fear for months afterward...
Memento Mori!


Valg i Danmark - Betragtninger I.


Så skal vi igen til urnerne! Sidst jeg stemte var jeg med til at ændre historie - i al beskedenhed... Jeg stemte selflølgelig på Pia Kjærsgaards Dansk Folkeparti, formentlig som en af meget få flygtninge. Mine danske venner med de rigtige (PC-) meninger vendte himmelvendt øjnene og på anden måde lod mig forstå at jeg var "afstumpet", "støttede had i Danmark", eller ligefrem kaldte mig "rasist". Rasist! Mig, som 20, snart 21!, år lever sammen med en "sort" kvinde, som har rejst og levet længere blandt de "sorte" end de fleste danskere...
Men som sagt, ændret vi sammen med Pia og Mogens Camre historien, og Danmark vil aldrig være den samme, naïve, ande-dams Danmark. Strømmen er dog ikke vendt, ikke engang stoppet, og antal af multi-kulti (dvs. 95% muslimer ) stiger stadigvæk, dog ikke med 10 %PA som under SocDem, "kun" 2.1%PA. (Tallene stammer fra Nyt fra Danmarks Statistik.)
Det mest positive er at ting som var "tabu" under SocDem og de Radikale kan man nu åbent diskutere og al snak om rasisme er forstummet (i det mindste i MSM!).
Det er formentlig mordet på Vincent van Gogh som åbnede øjne og "eliten" blev pludselig bange...

O3: No to Elections!

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The reserve King of Nepal (in his own twisted view), Obstinate Octogenarian Ogre aka G.P. KOIRALA, the Supremo of Nepal Congress Party has shown his real colours - he, and of course, his lackeys, misnamed politicians, WILL NOT PARTICIPATE in forthcoming elections.
G. P. Koirala
Of course, the slick-tongued brahmin have come with explanations, about on the same level of the islamist- and jihad-apologets, why the elections are not APROPRIATE at this time. His level of dialectics is such, had he been in power, and wanted to go to polls, he would easily found words to support that thesis!
Unless this bitter old man is safely DEAD or in JAIL there is little hope of progress and democracy in the land.
I think some, if not full, reason for his fight to return to the coveted PM-chair is his knowledge that true democracy and full accounting will lead not only himself but large part of his immediate family and various sycophantic hangers-on to JAIL! (Remember the GSA case in the UK? The disapeared 757?)
There are numerous examples of polls beeing conducted during civil conflicts - among others in Algeria, Kosovo, most recently in Afgfhanistan (I don't count the shenanigans of PLO as democracy, neither their elections as democratic!)and comming in Iraq. Other reason for his obstinacy (after the fear of JAIL) is his realization that the Nepali people have at last saw through him and his "party" and he will be margenalized, sidelined, wiped out! From the sneers of my nepali family and friends when O3 appears on screen I gather his credibility is ZERO.
So it's more surprising that both the NTV and the more liberal Kantipur TV always roll out this tired horse and give hime airtime... As if O3 was relevant... Or democrat!


Murderous Bus-drivers.

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While back in Denmark last summer, which is also monsoon time here in Nepal, I was so overwhelmed to see so many reports of bus accidents on the internet, that I joked to friends: "The Nepali bus-drivers were killing more Nepalis than the maobadis!"
I'm not joking now - it was always easier to face the grimm reality with a sneer and an uneasy laugh from 8.000 km away. But right now here, when a new tragedy occured, it hits hard... The hills around ring with brass bands, some streets in Kathmandu are half-blocked with dinner-tents, one meets whole marriage parties with best saree-dressed women bearing gifts - it's the marriage high-season! This nepali month called Magh (trasncr. var. as "Makkar" etc.) the Hindu astrologers marked 9 auspicious days for marriages. So my lady and me were really sad to hear that a bus yesterday skid off the road in Phuytan, west Nepal, killing 42 wedding guests, groom, groom's father, brothers and assorted uncles. Bride is in hospital.
I havn't taken a bus out of the Valley the past 12 years: (after going to India via Bhutwal, both DOWN and UP the bus met with an accident and it was sheer luck we didn't fell into the river!) Had I done that, there is a high probability a would have been statstic! The quality of the bus-drivers, and their vehicles' brakes and tyres is HORRIBLE. The drivers have no training, usually someone in the family of the owner gets the job, goes to Kathmandu, meets someone, pays some money, gives the guy a photo and PRESTO! Nepal has a new bus-driver! Week-after-week, there go 50, here go 30 "passengers". Why be afraid of maobadi landmines? Statistically they kill 10-20 times less Nepalis then the "friendly" bus-drivers.
What worries me is the attitude of the STATE - there is no outcry from MSM media neither - but it's the state which is the PROTECTOR of the humble and the meek, the role which in the West is taken so granted - we actually only perceive the opposite - too much traffic-regulation and control - and nothing is been done.
Last week there was a story in the papers about theft of more than 540 holographic stickers from Valley Traffic Police, and subseq. recovery of same in a houses of some of the officials! Of course, as we used to say in the old communist Czechoslovakia: "He who doesn't steal, steals from his own family!", and if they pay the policemen peanuts, they'll get monkeys!


Go! G.W.Bush Go! Go, USA, Let's Roll: Liberty Call at High Noon in DC.

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40mnts. ago, High noon in Washington: Listened to the Inauguration 2005, to it all live, the bands, the prayer: right here in the lap of the Himalays! Came loud and clear over the XMMS player (Winamp-clone on my Novell Linux) on the measly dial-up-line, that's amazing!
The speach touched me deeply, just what I dreamt about in the early sixties in dreary Czechoslovakia: "Why with all their talk in the (strictly prohibited listen to!) Radio Free Europe about freedom, and how we oppressed yearned for liberty, why don't they come and clean up this communist shit?" Little did I know about the MAD-doctrine and the containment-doctrine or the price USA would pay in an nuclear exchange...
But Dubya is different from Eisenhower and Kennedy: he DID won freedom of 50 million oppressed people, and THEN promised America's support in (nicely put) "dark cornes of the earth"!
    "All who live in tyranny and hopelessness can know: the United States will not ignore your oppression, or excuse your oppressors. When you stand for your liberty, we will stand with you."

Uuh-uuh, heady stuff, that ALREADY smells, well, CLASSIC!
I quit now, in the bamboo-grove outside coyotes whine, on the KFKA station (ah, the pleasures of internet!), coming from the Colorado Rockies, Rush Limbaugh comments live the glories of the day, and makes fun of the hapless, visionless, clueless Democrats and the the doomed MSM.
George W. Bush swore the presidential oath for a second term

Go Dubya, Go, may God bless you and the U.S.A.
Good Night world from Bhaktapur.

Shawarmaer fyldt med bakterier

Iflg. Jyllands Posten har "6 ud af 10 shawarmaer fra tilfældigt udvalgte grill- og shawarmabarer i København et højt indhold af bakterier."
Ja, velbekomme! Nu er en af de sidste grunde til at være glad for multi-kulti "berigelse" faldet bort! Ikke bare disse folk snyder i skat, told, moms, ansæter andre flygtninge mens de hæver bistand - men de prøver også at forgifte os, ja! - dræbe -, med bogstavelig lort (citat: "6 ud af de 10 indkøbte shawarmaer blev der fundet et højt indhold af bakterier eller spor af afføring.")
Hvad er galt med det store slemme "R"? R som repatriering? Med bedstemor, rusten BMW og nul pension. Ryg og rejs, og byg eget land op! Jeg ved det er svært, efter man har vænnet sig til, og samtidig håner, den vestlige system, mens man venter på "Sharia"... Sharia? Aldrig!!!

"Who are you Kim Jong-Il? You are the dictator." Dissent in North Korea!

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The heroes of NK-underground risk everything - not only their own lives, but their extended families' freedom as well:
The photographs obtained by South Korean intelligence include Kim Jong-Il's picture in military uniform upon which was written, in red ink: "Who are you Kim Jong-Il? You are the dictator. The people will not forgive you and will drive out of your throne. We want freedom and democracy. Reform and liberalization are the way to life." It was signed "The Freedom Youth Alliance."
Kim Jong Il challenged.
This is not a triffle, this is as serious as it gets, and us, living in comfort, with internet, uncensored radio and TV, mobile phones etal, can hardly imagine the effect these few words written in haste and fear for life have! The revenge of Kim Jong Il's KGB is gruesome, and no doubt it's goons right now interrogate EVERYONE from the "Jan. 17 factory" in the city of Hoeryong, North Hamgyong Province, and they are not going by Amnesty Internation rules!
To borrow a phrase from Michael Ledeen over at National Review: "Mr. Bush, faster please, faster!"


15 Years of Democrazy!

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It's sad to compare developments in Nepal and the comet-like rise of Eastern Europe. Both started the trasformation more-or-less at the same time, in the wild summer of 1989 - T'ien An Men slaughter, Budapest tearing down barbed wire of the Iron Courtain, the Fall of Berlin wall. Inspired by all this ferment, the underground, but tolerated parties came into the streets, and things turned ugly in January 1990: I remember driving with my lady near Patan Campus and saw a large group of police outside. We parked the Volkswagen a bit down and went back, to see "what's going on". Students were pelting the police with stones and bricks, police didn't even have plastiv shields! Then came a small TATA truck, and - it was filled with broken bricks. Npw also the cops had amunition. And then the left-wing equivalent of Swastika, the hated (for me and 100 of millions of survivers!) Hammer & Sickle, started apperaing on the walls, even on the walls of temples. The Commies arrived! I still believed the gentle nature of Nepalis, their love of freedom will see through this communist-bullshit.

I was WRONG, oh boy was I wrong!


Madness continues in the Kingdom

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One could understand the Gang-of-Four parties (the group led by Nepal Congress O3 [Obstinate Octogenarian Ogre] G.P. Koriala) and their interest in spreading mayhem. But CPN-UML? This party is led by an even greater swindler and deciever, M.K.Nepal. He's the one who sees no contradiction of holding "secret" talks with the maobadi madmen last year in Lucknow, even while the commissars murdered his "cadres" in the hills of Dang, no cotradiction of having ministers in current HMG and at the same time supporting his students/goons burning efigies of same ministers in the streets. Talk about split-political personality! Talk about having cake, not paying for it, and eat it!
As the recent Nepali Times observe:

    Give credit where it's due: the Deuba administration has shown considerable courage in taking a potentially-suicidal political decision.
    Politicians are known for populist grandstanding, that is what they are made for. So it's not surprising the UML comrades want to have it both ways: Supplies Minister Ishwar Pokhrel hikes petro prices with a fishy one-week delay and his party's student wing is out on the streets vandalising public property in protest. Even by the reckless standards of Nepali politics, the UML's two-faced opportunism is stunning. Then Pokhrel makes the shocking admission to us that dealers are allowed to hoard.

    All this doesn't make the fuel price hike less inevitable. The 30 percent increase in global oil prices in the past year has put Nepal Oil Corporation Rs 5.12 billion in the red. The corporation's losses are threatening to bankrupt the state as well.

    The basic rule of business is you can't sell a product for less than what you bought it for unless you are: a) stupid, b) a welfare state or c) Nepal Oil Corporation.
Closed Petrol Station
There you have it! All in black, or more likely RED figures. But where is the effort to communicate this to the streets? Once we got into this irrational rut the emotions of the nepalis take over, like bull seeing red!


Sirens of Titan!

Pitty KURT VONNEGUT was not on board the HUYGENS sond. This vista could serve as a front-page illustration of his hilarious, satirical book (VERY-VERY-BRIEF review: the purpose of human civilization is to produce a spart part for an inter-gallactic ship...)

Sirens of Titan!
Sizes have been estimated to indicate scale of the features in this image of Titan's surface. The two rock-like objects just below the middle of the image are about 15 centimetres (left) and 4 centimetres (centre) across respectively, at a distance of about 85 centimetres from Huygens. The surface is darker than originally expected. (Credits: ESA/NASA/University of Arizona.)

Vonnegut used to run a car dealership called "Saab Cape Cod" in West Barnstable, Massachusetts, but he failed to sell the Swedish two-stroke SAAB cars, and went into bankruptcy. He has jokingly said that this may be the reason he has never received a Nobel prize... At least they could call the sond "Kurt" or something, but it is the brain-child of ESA (Europeans)...

The Palestinian Womb Bomb ... is a dud!

CAROLINE GLICK writes in Jeruslem Post that the highly touted Womb Bomb is, like many other (safely dead) Arafish' statements, a BIG LIE!
First, the number of Arabs is much lower than the Palestinians' study from 1997 showed!
Second, the rate-of-(popul.)growth is not 3,7%PA, more likely 2.6%PA, simmilar to Arab women in neighb. Jordan, Egypt and Syria.
It's a pity Sharon based his policy of leaving Gaza on this lie!
Mybe this is one of the reasons for the lower birth-rate - stoning of women?
Adultery Stoning


Samyak Mahadan festival


Beautiful Buddhas from different bahals (buddh.monasteries) of the Valley are put on display evening before beeing taken to a field infront of Swayambhunat (known by tourist as "the monkey temple")Samyak Mahadan
The festival is about thousand years old, and so are some of the Buddhas! Absolutely stunning, the level of artisanship, and the love and care the people took of these idols! Do they need commies? Like they need a broken leg!
I went the next day, Friday, to see the ceremony and HM King. Taking into consideration that brutal civil war was raging 50 km away the level of security was surprisingly light. Maybe HM wants it that way, I stood 20 m from his shiny Jaguar...


Rage against ... ANYTHING!

Hooligans described in nepali media as 'students' made life hell yesterday in Kathmandu streets. The reason (if these assholes need any reason AT ALL!): HMG has announced rise in price of petroleum products! 1 liter costs 62 Nepalese Rupee now, which is 5.62 Norwegian Kroner, about half of norw. price!
The simple thing, that not even Nepali King, let alone HMG has influence on the muslim-dominated Crude Oil Rate from OPEC seems to escape these 'students'. That can be understood, if not accepted - these people will riot for anything - imagined slur by Indian movie-star against Nepal, beheading of Nepalis in Iraq (though I must admit this was A GOOD REASON, and conseq. put the local representatives of R-o-P in proper place...)

What CANNOT be understood were rantings by political parties from all sides of the spectrum (well, not much on the right side: RPP is hardly the paragon of conservative virtues, and the rest: Nep.Congress, Comm.P.of Nepal -UML etc. ARE communists!). In the streets there were riots, thugs stoned taxis and private cars, forcibly down shutters on shops, burned tyres... A dentist friend told of tear-gas wafting up into her 3rd floor clinic in Putali Sadak..
And the so calld LEADERS talk about how unfair it is to raise price of petrol for the third time in a year, the emotional spokeswoman of RPP (her own party is in HMG!) shouted that this is a CONSPIRACY to steal funds for elections...
If this is how 'RESPONSIBLE' parties behave (and we have, based on past riots, ALL THE REASONS to believe the parties actively abetted, no, - ORGANIZED - , the 'students' riots), G*D(S) help Nepal.Petrol Protest 20050113

... or abolish this 'SHAM DEMOCRAZY', temporarily, and clean this mess first!


RNA sucesses: destroys Maoists' arsenal in Doti, 8 Maoists including Kathmandu valley coordinator nabbed

Royal Nepalese Army (RNA) has claimed that it has destroyed a Maoist-run arm and ammunition-manufacturing center in Doti district.

The aerial operation was launched after the troops saw a score of people attired in blue dresses believed to be engaged in preparing explosives and arms for the Maoists inside the jungles at Barkehn VDC in the district on Saturday evening, security sources said.

"On seeing the blue-dressed people moving in and around the area, the troops launched a massive aerial attack at the site," the sources said.

The security sources also said that foreign weapon experts belonging to the People's War Group (PWG) may have been involved in producing the arms and ammunitions.

According to reports, over half a dozen houses were bombarded and destroyed by the troops in the operation.

The site, a deep gorge between two hills, is 10 miles from Pandaun of Kailali district.

The details of the incident are still awaited, as the RNA suspected heavy casualties on the rebels' side.

The operation is the biggest success since the Maoist insurgency began in 1996, the security sources further claimed.

Security forces have nabbed eight Maoist leaders including the party?s Kathmandu valley coordinator during raid in Bhaktapur.

The security forces detained three Maoist leaders including Kathmandu Valley Special Organization Committee coordinator ?Aditya? from Sangabhanjyang area in Bhaktapur on Saturday morning.

Sources also said ?Aditya? along with the two Regional Leaders were arrested while they were holding a meeting in Bhaktapur today morning.

Similarly, five Maoists were arrested from Kaushaltar of Bhaktapur on Friday night.

Acting on a tip-off, the security forces for the past few days had been raiding various possible hideouts to nab Aditya.

Nepal King was all set to sack Deuba govt.

Yeah, had the feeling the visit of HM, cancelled at last possible moment (former PM of India, Narasimha Rao died an hour before departure from KTM airport!) was not OR'NARY...
Nothing is or'nary in this Kingdom, just as Rudyard Kipling saw more than 100 years ago:
"...And the wildest dreams of Kew are the facts of Kathmandu..."

King Gyanendra

    The Indian Express news report said both New Delhi and Kathmandu are looking forward to the visit as a number of issues of bilateral concern, such as the Maoist threat to the Himalayan Kingdom, would be discussed. King Gyanendra will be accompanied by Home Minister Purna Bahadhur Khadka. The Nepalese Maoists are giving New Delhi sleepless nights, especially after their last blockade of Kathmandu in December proved largely successful till it was withdrawn.

    As far as the Maoists are concerned, New Delhi wants the King to direct the Royal Nepalese Army (RNA) to show its capability on the ground. The South Block is not averse to Kathmandu engaging the Maoists in a dialogue but simultaneously wants the RNA to launch operations against them.

So the kids' glove come off, AT LAST, and the RNA will be unleashed... But what about the "PARTIES", the goons burning tyres and blocking streets, full year now! - will they relent? I doubt it, while the octogenarian obstinant ogre, G.P. Koirala calls the shots. He belongs in retirement home, if not jail!


Ax-murderer on the run!

EnglishBlond, Nordic children chase the ill-famous child-molester to his death on the ice between Free North and the Norwegistan Emirate!
This is the Fate which awaits all the criminals and evil-doers in the Far North, where Geneve Conventions were replaced with Odin' Law last year.Oksemorderen på flukt.

The Lesson: "If you havn't seen Ice in the Nature before, don't come here!"


Something good out of Tsunami: Prabhakaran Dead! (upd.20050116: MAYBE... MAYBE NOT!)

Villupilai Prabhakran
The inventor of modern suicide bombing, Villupilai PRABHAKARAN is reported dead by Sri Lanka Radio! This is the best news since that dreadful day 14 days ago. This butcher, who also perfected the "child soldiers" perfidy and cyanid capsules for his fighters, will be forever remembered for his assassination of Rajiv Gandhi in 1991.
Along with the head-butcher, his intelligence chief Pottu Amman is also missing, presumed dead. Of course, the LTTE, like all good stalinists, vehemently deny the news:

The LTTE, in a statement posted on its official Peace Secretariat website, slammed the Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation for carrying the reports, saying now was "not the time for gossip mongering and malicious propaganda".

"The LTTE and the Tamil people wish to strongly protest against this mischievous act of the Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation, stooping down to such low level of broadcasting news that (is) fabricated by interested parties,"

The rumour is also rife the GAM (the Aceh-terrorists) across the Bay of Bengal were also badly hit, so maybe this was His aim...

    UPDATE: There is SILENCE in the world media about this, and only a dementi from LTTE denies he's dead. So I leave this post as is and will see if my instinct was right...

Sexual Abuse by UN Troops in Congo Hasn't Stopped - not even under mango trees!

From the friendly folks who gave us Srebrenica, Rwanda, Bhutanese refugees, HAMAS-run UNRWA and Darfur:

UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - Sexual abuse of girls by U.N. peacekeepers in the Democratic Republic of the Congo was widespread and ongoing despite many revelations and probes, the U.N. watchdog agency reported on Friday.

The peacekeepers over the last year have been accused of gang rapes, sexual harassment and bribing children as young as 12 or 13 with eggs, milk and a few dollars to have sex in bushes, on the bare ground or under mango trees.

The new report by the U.N. Office of Internal Oversight Services (OIOS) concentrates on Bunia, in the eastern part of the Congo, where fighting was intense earlier this year.

One French U.N. staffer, who made pornographic videos of children, was jailed in France for rape. South Africa is taking action against two soldiers. Allegations have also been made against soldiers from Uruguay, Morocco, Tunisia, and Nepal.

And there are still people, even "intelligent" ("naive?") people who call for the Toyota Taliban to come and "fix" things here in Nepal...
UN must transform or it will be run ouf of (N.Y.C.-)town. We cannot sit in the same Assembly with cannibals!


No lie too big for Muslims: Egytpian Weekly 'Al-Osboa': Israel & India behind Tsunami!

You can bet on that when there are several alternatives for reflection or action, the adherents of Religion-Of-Piss INVARIABLY take the most absurd
Jerusalem post reports today:
The earthquake that struck the Indian Ocean on December 26, triggering a series of huge waves called tsunami, "was possibly" caused by an Indian nuclear experiment in which "Israeli and American nuclear experts participated," an Egyptian weekly magazine reported Thursday.

According to Al-Osboa', India, in its heated nuclear race with Pakistan, has lately received sophisticated nuclear know-how from the United States and Israel, both of which "showed readiness to cooperate with India in experiments to exterminate humankind."

Since 1992, the magazine argued, leading geological centers in Britain, Turkey and other countries, warned of the need "not to hold nuclear experiments in the region of the Indian Ocean known as 'the Fire Belt,' in which the epicenter of the earthquake lies.

Geologists labeled that region 'The Fire Belt' for being "a dangerous terrain that can move at anytime, without human intervention," Al-Osboa' wrote.

Despite warnings not to carry out nuclear experiments in and around the 'Fire Belt', "Israel and India continue to conduct nuclear tests in the Indian Ocean, and the United States has recently decided to carry out similar tests in the Australian deserts, which is included in the 'Fire Belt', the Egyptian weekly magazine wrote.

"Last year only, Arab and Islamic states have asked the United States to stop its nuclear activities in that region, and to urge Israel and India to follow suite," Al-Osboa' reported.

Although Al-Osboa' does not rule out the possibility that the tsunami could have been caused by a natural earthquake it speculates however that, "while it has not been proved yet, there has been a joint Israeli-Indian secret nuclear experiment [conducted on December 26] that caused the earthquake."

The Egyptian weekly magazine concludes in its report that "the exchange of nuclear experts between Israel and India, and US pressure on Pakistan which is exerted by supplying India with state-of-the-art nuclear technology and preventing Islamabad from cooperating with Asian and Islamic states in the nuclear field, pose a big question mark on the causes behind the violent Asian earthquake."

Incitement against Israel and Jews in Egyptian media is usually limited to the context of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict yet exceptions are known to occur.

In August 2002, the Paris Supreme Court summoned Ibrahim Naafi', editor of the Egyptian daily Al-Ahram, for having authorized the publication of a controversial article entitled 'Jewish matza is made from Arab blood' in the October 28, 2000 edition of the paper.

Naafi' was charged with incitement to anti-Semitism and racist violence.


Mbeki insults 'racist' Churchill, England and Western Civilization

According to agency reports:
    President Thabo Mbeki has made a withering attack on Winston Churchill and other historic British figures, calling them racists who ravaged Africa and blighted its post-colonial development. Mr Mbeki quoted a passage from The River War, Churchill's account of Kitchener's campaign in Sudan, which described shortcomings in "Mohammedanism" - Islam.

    It said: "Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy.

    "The effects are apparent in many countries. Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live.

This communist mongrel, hiding in Sweden during the 80'ies, hates West more than the Arabs. But, in his support for the janjaweed-masters in Khartoum he forgets history: it was the Arabs, from their base in Zanzibar, who ravaged the East Coast of Africa for more than thousand years! It was them who reintroduced the slavery, inspiring first Portuguese, later other Europeans: the English, Spanish, Dutch, even the Danes had a fort on the West Coast. The actual "hunting" was done by other african tribes, but the "brains" were Arab.

This black racists, Mugabe and Mbeki, in their blind hatred of the whites, distort history , blah! - they lie about history. Collonialism - horrible, horrible, they shriek, so they got freedom in the sixties.
Now once well run countries fall back into barbary, cannibalism, the railroads and roads reclaimed by jungle.
Also not forgotton should be his IDIOTARIAN stand on AIDS, blaming, yes, you guessed right, the West, Pentagon etal. for the scourge - not, as a responsible President he should condemn the irresponsible sexual practices of the black population! Maybe this will change, after Mandela's oldest son died yesterday... of AIDS!


First photo in 2005

Though I felt week after a mild flue, I smiled at the world this glorious morning. New Year 2005! Here we come! What's in store for me? My family? My world?