
Oldo breaks leg!

Sorry to inform you, my family & friends, that shortly after posting the 'Rice Harvest' story, on Tuesday evening, Nov. 1st, I misstep in my own house and broke both bones (tibia & fibula) above my left ankle! It happened quite simply as I walked down the four stone steps into living area, electtricity gone some minutes ago, but enough light from the myriad of Luxmi-puja lamps & candles my Indu lighted up, and in thought I forgot how many steps there were and planted my solid 105kg on the poor stretched left leg! It felt like a bolt of lightning, sound like when a 'khukri' shatters water-buffalo leg, first time I ever heard this horrible sound, and knew immediately I'm in deep dodo. Indu laughed as I writhed in pain on the carpet - she had 3 times missteped last year and stretched tendon and sore ankle... But I KNEW!
I just came from B&B Hospital in Patan, after 8 days and 2 operations, still in pain, will write more later...

Update: My nice guest, Steen from Silkeborg, the Lake City of Denmark, sent me my last photo as a walking man:

The last photo with whole leg.

Note the drying rice... Nice harvest, ain't it?
The taxi's waiting, his holiday is over, my nightmare just 5 hours away...

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