
Nepali Flags vs. Blood Stained rags

This character MKN, lapdog-cum trial balloon of O3 is getting more-n'-more unhinged day-by-day! KANTIPUR TV (and publ. house, controlled by murky Indian Corp.) is quickly becoming Nepal TV, that is Madhan Kumar Nepal and his Merry Commies personal mouthpiece-TV! Nothing against it, in democracies often happens that one TV/media conglo is leaning that, some the other way... But the way past month this TV swinged towards the 7 dwarfs is't unbelievable! If I had not my patented Elephantine Memory TM and the pain in my broken leg I would have thought I was dreaming.. or nightmaring:
Back to Friday the 2nd - the day I fear will be later recognized as a MAJOR date in Nepal history - MKN thought he will rule the streets - if not Kathmandu then at least Baneswar, an area HM MUST pass on his way to Palace. Clear provocation! So it's only understandable that monarchists - well if you watched only Kantipur you would not know there are any left in Nepal! - took issue with the commies when the latter pelted cavalcade of Crown Prince Paras, going to greet his father at the airport, with stones (see yesterday's post). So after seeing HM safely reach the Palace, they , well some thousands of them, marched over to Kalanki, at least 4 miles from Baneswor, on the other side of the town, near the old, worn out cable-car ropeway. There they threatened to burn the commie HQ down, with all the bigwigs inside celebrating the FINGER they gave the King. in it!
So MKN gets on his mobile, calls some unlisted number... in police HQ, Naxal, and asks for HEEELP! The Fine Boyz un Blue arrive just in time to save his hide...
In his Saturday speeches (mainly to, yeah you guessed it, KANTIPUR TV) MKN forthed and foamed about how the UNHCR and UK-embassy and probably Martians saved him from "Mandalees". This is a pejorative expression back from 1990, and that time ment paid,sworn,die-hard supporters of Panchayat... Only yesterday, Sunday, did I hear him utter half-baked thanks to the security forces!
To call this sponataneous outburst of monarchists' anger for "Mandalees' organized assasination attempt" is proof MKN is on verge of nervous-breakdown. Unlike many of participants in his Ratna Park Happenings (there are confirmed statements from building workers and unemployed of NPR100-150 per demo), the patriots on the Ring Road threatening to torch his HQ did not need any renumeration or organization!
And if it was organized by the Palace, how come the Police came, and quickly?
As for me, if I see two groups of demonstrators, one with the beatiful, historical, patriotic flags and the other waving rags, stained by blood of 100 mill. victims (Nepali: 10 crore mareko mancheharu!), which group would I support?
Ask yourselves - which group would you support? - as the time is nearing you all will have to make that choice!

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